Recruiting: PhD Students / Doctoral Researchers

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PhD Student / Doctoral Researcher / Postdoc Positions

The group of André Platzer, the Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Logic of Autonomous Dynamical Systems, in the Computer Science Department at KIT, Karlsruhe, is recruiting a PhD Student / Doctoral Researcher (full-time, about €4200-€4800 gross by TVL E13 depending on experience). Exceptionally qualified applicants for Postdoc positions may be considered as well.

Our research group develops the logical foundations for cyber-physical systems and practical theorem proving tools such as KeYmaera X for analyzing and correctly building such systems. Our techniques are used to analyze the safety of autonomous cars, airplanes and collision avoidance systems in aerospace applications, robotics, and train control as well as for provably safe AI. Your exciting research can have a direct impact on making the world a better place!


Successful applicants to the Alexander von Humboldt Professor group bring the following:

The successful candidate shows initiative and is able to quickly get into new research areas and will be responsible for actively engaging in novel research questions, publishing and communicating research results, advising junior students, implementation of research results in formal methods or theorem proving tools, demonstrating their applicability in cyber-physical systems applications.

Besides the Alexander von Humboldt Professor group, some of the PhD Student / Doctoral Researcher / Postdoc positions in my group are in the context of the DFG SFB Sonderforschungsbereich Convide on Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems as well as the KiKIT Kerninformatik at KIT Core Informatics Program.

Faculty / Division: Alexander von Humboldt Professor group on Logic of Autonomous Dynamical Systems, KIT Department of Informatics

Group: The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, Germany's most highly endowed international research award, is endowed with up to five million euros. With this award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation honors internationally leading researchers of all disciplines.

Institute: Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL)
Institute for Reliability of Autonomous Dynamical Systems (VADS)
of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Starting Date: Immediately

Application Material: Usual material as a single PDF, including letter of interest, curriculum vitae with references who agreed to be contacted for letters of recommendations, statement of purpose (a concise two-page essay describing your primary research interests and experience), publications, academic transcripts, etc.

Contact Person: Prof. André Platzer
(copy with care)