15-812: Programming Language Semantics (Sp'18)

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DateLecture NotesExtraDue
Thu01/18Imperative Program Semantics: Take I: functions
Tue01/23Semantics of While Programs
Thu01/25Dynamic Logic
Tue01/30Proving Programs
Thu02/01Proofs about Loops
Tue02/06Proofs about Terminating Loops
Thu02/08Uniform Substitution Understanding
Tue02/13Static Semantics and Coincidents2.2,2.6Asst 1 
Thu02/15Uniform Substitution Soundness
Tue02/20Coincidences and ContextsAsst 2 
Thu02/22Semantics of Program Contexts3.4
Tue02/27Full Abstraction and Relating Different Behaviors3.2,3.3
Thu03/01Functions, arrays, pointers, objectsslide IJCAR'06
Tue03/06Free: Open House
Thu03/08Games and Interactivity
Tue03/13Free: Spring break
Thu03/15Free: Spring break
Tue03/20Winning Strategies and RegionsTOCL'15White paper 
Thu03/22Winning and Proving
Tue03/27Midterm ExamMidterm 
Thu03/29Winning Repetitions by Proofs
Tue04/03Operational Semantics
Thu04/05Type Systems and Type PreservationAsst 3 
Tue04/10Relating Denotational and Operational Semantics
Thu04/12Axiomatic Semantics
Thu04/19Free: Spring Carnival
Tue04/24Relative CompletenessLICS'12 JAR'17
Thu04/26Completeness and ComplexityTOCL'15
Tue05/01More completenessTOCL'15
Thu05/03Free: Project wrap-up dayTerm paper 
The lecture schedule is tentative!

Assignment Schedule

Asst 150Imperative program reasoning and undefinednessTue02/13
Asst 250Substituting program reasoningTue02/20
Asst 350Methods and fun with gamesThu04/05
White paper20Project White PaperTue03/20
Midterm150Midterm ExamTue03/27
Term paper180Project Term PaperThu05/03
Sum500points listed

The Assignment Schedule is tentative!
Homework assignments are due at start of lecture on the due day.