author = {['Edmund M. Clarke', 'Bruce Krogh', 'André Platzer', 'Raj Rajkumar']},
title = {Analysis and Verification Challenges for
Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems},
year = {2008},
booktitle = {NITRD National Workshop for Research on
Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems:
Automotive, Aviation, and Rail},
pdf = {http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/nsl/aar-cps/AndrePlatzer-20081020163241.pdf},
abstract = {
Substantial technological and engineering advances in
various disciplines make it possible more than ever
before to provide autonomous control choices for cars,
trains, and aircraft. Correct automatic control can
improve overall safety tremendously. Yet, ensuring a
safe operation of those control assistants under all
circumstances requires analysis techniques that are
prepared for the rising complexity resulting from
combinations of several computerized safety measures.
We identify cases where cyber-physical transportation
systems pose particularly demanding challenges for
future research in formal analysis techniques.}